Remember these?
National Novel Writing Month (hereafter NaNoWriMo) is a yearly contest to write an entire novel in just 30 days – November – from scratch – you start writing on November 1st, and stop no later than midnight November 30th.
Yes, it’s insane. But it’s a way to stop procrastinating, and actually sit down and write that book you’ve had in your head all this time.
The idea of NaNoWriMo was conceived by Chris Baty, and his site is here: NaNoWriMo.Org
That’s the official site…
Here at Often Inspired, we like to gather a few people during November for NaNoWriMo and have a party, where we share our work on the forum, pass out prizes, gripe, praise each others work, rally at the end, and produce some novels.
This will be our fifth year!
Join us on the forum and toil along with us, or just… watch us sweat.
I am going to join you this year! I’m excited to see if I can finish an entire novel in 30 days. I’m off to read the rules right now. I’m still working on a horror faery story too.
I can’t commit to writing a novel again this year, but I will drop by to cheer you guys on, and I will enter into the Nano spirit by just trying to get down as many words as I can on the short stories I’m working on. I might even drop in on some of the local write-ins for the cameraderie of it.
Good luck everyone!